kalem Secondary Session

Extra-curricular Activities

These activities provide a channel for enhancing and extending lessons learned in the classroom. They offer the students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real world context as part of our holistic educational programme. Club activities take place every Wednesday from 9.30am - 10.55am. and Fridays 11:00 am-12:00 noon

The following are the Extra-curricular activities provided by the secondary section of the school:
Aims & Objectives:
i. To induce reading habit in students.
ii. To improve and encourage creative writing.
iii.To provide a significant training ground for the development of students' communicative abilities.
iv. To create learning situations which students develop proficiencies based on sound educational and communication theories.
v. To provide a platform for debating events.
vi. To encourage students become orators to display their intellectual and independent thinking skills and imbibe a sense of confidence.

Objectives: Promoting Students Interest in Engineering, Science, Mathematics, and Technology.

i. To acquire skills in domestic crafts such as needle work, home decoration, clothing and textiles and home decoration.
ii. To learn hygiene practices and safety rules applicable in the home.
iii. To learn how to operate and care for simple home appliances.
iv. To know where, when and how a specific meal would be prepared (meal planning).
v. To be aware of the simple scientific and artistic implications to be considered regarding food preparation.

To empower and encourage students to–
i. Create businesses. ii. Get involved in/with community development efforts
iii. Develop skills needed to succeed as entrepreneurs in a global society.
In a nut shell, this club will provide opportunities for networking, learning, and professional development experiences related to the field of entrepreneurship.

i. To use sports and games as a means of uniting the students and the school community.
ii. To ensure that students develop the spirit of sportsmanship, this will positively impact on their academic and social life.
iii. To educate students on how to channel their energy towards sports performance.
iv. To encourage female participation in sports.
v. To generally educate students on the need for regular participation in sports, this reduces chances of sedentary lifestyle amongst students.

i. Artificial Intelligence.
ii. Effective Communication.

Learning Outcomes - Effective Communication
Learn and practice with different formats of communication - impromptu speech, news reporting, debate, essay writing, and story writing :
i. Learn micro-skills - research and reasoning, enhancing language with literary devices, crafting characters, and more!
ii. Learn to give and receive peer feedback with respect and work collaboratively in groups.
iii.Perform in class and in front of a larger group of parents and/or teachers to build confidence (through the showcases)
iv. Public Speaking.
v. Debate , Creative Writing

AI / ML Coding Curriculum
This curriculum is designed to bring out the genius in your child. covering coding foundation to scientific exploration, and design thinking to robotics. It is also the only platform to provide specific teaching expertise for different faculties of technology.

Program Overview
i. App Development & AI - Code.org, Machine learning for kids, Block-based Coding
ii. Game Development Using Python - ML for kids, Jupyter notebook Learning Python
iii. AI & ML Using Python - ML for kids, Google Colab, Jupyter notebook, Learning Python

Learning Material
i. Head Tilt, Ticket App ( AI Teachable machine )
ii. Logical Activities: ( Understand the home automation algorithm )
iii. Logical Activities: ( Understand the self-driving car algorithms )
iv. Decode the platform with code
v. Experiencing the Coding Power

The Sports Club provides activities which offer opportunities for students to learn the values of teamwork, individual and group responsibility, physical strength and endurance, healthy competition, acceptance of diversity and a sense of belonging to culture and community.

Physical exercise is good for the mind, body and spirit. Furthermore, team sports are good for dedication, and leadership among many other skills and values.

The benefits of participating in sports is to help our students to stay in shape, teach them how to organise their time, boost friendships, and build relationships with peers and adults.

This programme is organised to support learners to improve on their academic achievements. Teaching takes place with a maximum of fifteen students per group.

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